What Do Parents Say About Us
Ms. Tan taught all my children, nephews and nieces. She is very much part of a dying breed of teachers - rare and difficult to find. Ms. Tan is not only skillful, but she also shows the same care as she would to any of her own children. Without Ms. Tan, my children would not be the men and women they are today. read more
My parents always placed great emphasis on our education, especially since my mother was a teacher. Now in our fourth generation, all my children, nephews and nieces, are graduates or undergraduates of world-renowned universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, UCL, Manchester and SOAS. There are still some studying in Imperial College, Architecture Association, and Bristol, with many more to come. I strongly advise you, if your children are in need of a helping hand, you can rest assured that Ms Tan and her team of dedicated and committed Heads Up specialist tutors are always just a phone call away.
Dato Yeoh Soo Min
Parent of Chien Wen, Chien Yih, Chien Hwei and Chien Chyi

Father of Mike Liu Hong Yi Class of 2022
我作为Mike同学的父亲,怀着感恩的心情对几年来Mike在Heads Up学校所接受到的教育,由衷的表示感谢;感谢老师们对孩子的培养所做出的付出。孩子由一个在国际学校成绩平平的普通学生,到现在变成了一个能够在Igcse考试中取得9A(A*)成绩,并且考上了自己心仪的诺丁汉大学数学和大数据专业预科,并且获得了学校最高档次的的奖学金。给我的感觉是孩子自信满满地开启了他下一个阶段的学习旅程。
接下来我通过两个例子说说我的感觉,这是一种变不可能变为可能的所带来的喜悦。我从来没有祈望过我的孩子能在高等数学上取得A*的成绩。之前Mike同学的数学成绩中等,经过老师的开导,耐心的等待,让孩子慢慢开窍了,喜欢上数学了。这一喜欢上的改变带来的效果是,孩子对自己的要求已经不再局限在课堂上课本上的学习了。他自己还通过youtube在网上找资源学习,向大神们请教。这样一来,孩子的视野开阔了,也学到了更多的方法。在一次次的小考试中逐渐展现了实力,最终积累起了自信心。这是我作为家长最看重的一点。因为之前在国际学校时,我们作为从中国来的学生,中文考试居然居然得了Grade D。从这个例子我体会到的是,与国际学校比较起来,这里最大的优势是校长老师能够近距离的发现孩子的特质,引导鼓励孩子成为想要成为的自己。

Janice Loh & Sam Yeng Thim
Parents of Sam Chi En Class of 2021
Heads Up International is an institution that pays great attention to the cultivation of students’ behavior, habits and abilities. The teachers are dedicated, have a high level of teaching professionalism, and are full of love. My daughter feels relaxed and happy studying here and her abilities have improved in so many aspects. Apart from acquiring knowledge, they have understood the principles of life and how to get along with others. Seeing the changes in my child day by day, I felt truly grateful. We have made the right choice by picking Heads Up International School. We sincerely want to thank the teachers and Ms Tan for all their hard work.

Mother of Tony Class of 2021
Tony was in a prestigious international school in Kuala Lumpur for 2 years. Despite paying exorbitant academic fees as well as taking private tuition, my son was not doing too well academically which made me very worried. However, a good friend of mine introduced me to Heads Up International. After talking to the principle, Ms Tan, I felt that I met a kindred spirit who understands the worries of us parents and has an exceptional view towards education for the younger generation.
Subsequently, I enrolled Tony into Heads Up, which he fell in love with instantly. The teachers were warm and caring, and his peers were very friendly to him. Ms Tan would also frequently communicate with me regarding Tony's academic progress, which gave me great peace of mind! Tony's first mock exam results were not very good, which caused me much anxiety and concern. However, Ms Tan assured me that progress would take time, and that we should patiently guide Tony throughout his journey. In the end, Tony managed to score well in his final exams, allowing him to apply to his desired university! I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ms Tan and all the teachers of Heads Up International who worked tirelessly to help us through what felt like an impossible journey!

Joann Tai & Andy Lau
Parents of Hui Yen and Hui Xuan Class of 2021
We are happy and grateful for what our daughters have achieved at Heads Up. Being studious students, we expected them to obtain decent results in their IGCSE, but when their results were released, we were pleasantly surprised with their grades of 9As for Lau Hui Xuan and 8As & 1B for Lau Hui Yen.
We are convinced that Heads Up is capable of guiding and helping students with different needs and abilities to achieve their fullest potential. During our daughters' time at Heads Up, we made sure to keep track of their well-being at school, and we always received positive comments from them about their school life experiences.
We would like to thank Heads Up for the effort they put in to help the students whenever they need help, especially, in such difficult times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Loong Qianyi
Class of 2021
Online learning was something new that was introduced to us in 2020. Surprisingly, I did not struggle to absorb whatever the teachers taught online, and I strongly believe it was because Heads Up used various aspects of technology to make schooling fun and effective.
A few months before I sat for the IGCSE exams, some of my grades at school began to deteriorate. I was miserable and started to panic. Thankfully, I did not hesitate to seek out teachers for consultations, and they suggested a few solutions that best suited me. I can honestly say that they went out of their way to help me increase my understanding of different topics. In the end, our hard work paid off as I managed to pass all my papers with flying colours.
Heads Up teachers are responsible, dedicated, and hardworking. I am beyond grateful for all the teachers who guided me through my high school journey. They have played a huge role in shaping how I view my studies

Parents of
Yee Jia Chern Class of 2021
Prior to joining Heads Up at the end of July 2021 which was barely 3 months before the IGCSE exam, Jia Chern was really lost, anxious and suffering from sleepless nights.
We approached Ms. Tan and shared about Jia Chern’s situation which really worried us. To our great relief, Ms. Tan was willing to take the risk of allowing Jia Chern to join Heads Up at such short notice. We were also thankful that Jia Chern saw the importance and was willing to make a change to join Heads Up knowing that there, he would have proper guidance from dedicated and responsible teachers who we could rely on. We observed these positive qualities in Heads Up as they had been guiding our younger son who joined Heads Up 2 years before.
Heads Up’s excellent teaching and strategic preparation of students for exams was a huge relief for Jia Chern. The teachers came alongside Jia Chern to affirm him, provide helpful guidance and give him the support he needed while allowing him to be himself during the adjustments.
Our sincere gratitude to Ms. Tan and each of the teachers for all the affirmation, sacrifices, and willingness to go the extra mile to serve Jia Chern. You are all rare gems! Thank You!

Jamie & Edmund Seet
Parents of Ruby Seet Class of 2020
Ruby wanted a school that was conducive to learning and focused on what matters. It was then that a friend shared how Heads Up had greatly helped her son improve and excel. So, we decided to check out Heads Up. Although it did not have the facilities her previous school had, it was exactly what she wanted. Heads Up provided a conducive learning environment where her peers were friendly and found ways to work well with each other. They also had dedicated and experienced teachers to teach and guide them, so they understood the subjects well. We are very grateful to Ms Tan, the Principal, for taking the time to go through with us regarding her subjects and advising us accordingly. We are also grateful to all the committed teachers who took time to communicate with the students, even after office hours, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was, without a doubt, difficult for both students and teachers to have classes online, but with her teachers’ dedication and understanding, Ruby was able to perform to the best of her potential. Thank you very much to Class 2020 and Heads Up.

Samuel & Lily Low
Parents of Iris Low Class of 2020
Iris was with Heads Up International for two years, completing her Year 11 in 2020. Coming from a homeschooling background, she had a bit of a culture shock in the beginning. We remember her coming home unhappy and struggling to fit in. However, with much encouragement from the Principal, Ms Tan, she gradually found her place. We appreciate Ms Tan for keeping the communication line open with us. She always made time to see us and chat over how we could help Iris adjust in class. Her subject teachers not only taught her well; they were her cheerleaders too. They often encouraged her and were willing to give her time whenever she needed to clarify topics. Iris made really good friends at Heads Up International. They cheered each other on and helped each other out. Students at Heads Up International are often reminded to carry themselves with positive character traits, which was good to know for us. Heads Up International has played a part in Iris’ growth during her time there. We would like to thank Ms Tan and all her teachers for their guidance throughout the 2 years.

Beng Lee & Wendy Tan
Parents of Ryan Tan Class of 2020
We returned to Malaysia in 2016 after many years of living overseas. One of the major adjustments we had to make was Ryan’s education. Fortunately, he had adjusted well to his school in Penang. However, in the following year, we had to move to KL. The unfamiliar system and culture in his new school in KL had adversely affected his motivation for learning – that was until he came to Heads Up International. Ryan regained his confidence and love for studying thanks to the encouragement given to him by the Principal, as well as the dedicated and very experienced team of teachers. We were also very pleased with the administrative and support staff of the school, especially in the area of communicating with parents. The school also responded very well to the pandemic crisis. It is commendable that they were able to start the online classes almost immediately after the MCO was announced in March 2020. All of this had led to Ryan’s good IGCSE results. We are so grateful to God for Heads Up International. This school has made a tremendous impact in Ryan’s life, preparing him well for his next chapter in college.

Karen & CH Woo
Parents of Woo Der Yuan Class of 2020
With the abundance of private and international schools to choose from, it was indeed a dilemma for us, initially, to entrust Der Yuan to the right school. After all, other than academic achievements, being able to participate actively in co-curricular activities and to build leadership and managing teamwork were also our considerations in the choice of school we had decided upon. In all aspects, Heads-Up International has fulfilled our expectations as Der Yuan is able to balance both his academic and non-academic endeavors throughout his four years in the school. A big shout-out to Miss Tan, the principal and all teachers for the guidance and advice they have provided that has given Der Yuan a positive and fruitful secondary experience. With all that he has learnt in Heads Up, we are sure that he will embark on his next chapter in life with much enthusiasm and confidence.

Christine & Danny Tan
Parents of Sarah Tan Class of 2020
When Sarah joined Heads Up in Year 8, she experienced a wide range of activities besides academics, such as taking part in sports events, school outings and even a visit to a soup kitchen to help out. She was also given the opportunity to be a House Captain and learnt responsibility and leadership skills. The teachers at Heads Up have really helped Sarah to achieve good results for the IGCSE exams. Sarah was not overloaded with homework, but the class lessons and drilling in past year papers have helped her to do well. A big thank you to all the teachers who have guided Sarah along the way, and especially, Ms Michelle, who has been such an encouragement, motivation and dedicated teacher to Sarah. A big thank you to Ms Tan, the Principal, and also Sarah’s Economics and Business Studies teacher. Your concern and care for your students are evident in all you do. Sarah’s keenness in doing your assignments is testament of how interesting you make your lessons. Your feedback and engagement with us parents is most appreciated; always keeping us updated on our children’s progress along the way.” Teachers, your lessons and guidance are deeply appreciated. Sean dedicates his A*s to you all.

Mimi Liew
Parent of Sean Lee Class of 2020
Everything was pretty routine till MCO was implemented in late March 2020. Initial reaction – yay! More zzz, mask-free, stay in, stay safe. Online lessons started quite soon, albeit with some initial hiccups. Overall, they went well. Was really impressed with how fast the teachers learned the ropes of online teaching. Sean was slightly distracted whenever I went near his ‘study area’, but I could not help listening to how passionate and knowledgeable the teachers were in delivering effective lessons to a bunch of teenagers. Fast forward, physical classes resumed in early July. SOP guidelines were strictly adhered to. Sean was thrilled to see his teachers and friends again. That term was crucial in completing and preparing students for forthcoming IGCSE exams. Heartfelt gratitude to teachers who adapted and rose to the challenge. Sean did not go for the evidence-based exams last May. Hence, for him to take on everything at one go seemed rather nerve-wracking, well, at least to me! My husband never gave him any pressure to excel. Months became weeks as IGCSE exams drew nearer; it was crunch time. I asked myself if I should turn into a tiger mom, as Sean was as cool as a cucumber and definitely not feeling the exam heat. Sean, being as laid back as he is, convinced me to chill instead. Fine. I trusted that his teachers got his back and he was in good hands. Indeed he was! Teachers, your lessons and guidance are deeply appreciated. Sean dedicates his A*s to you all.

Mr & Mrs Dennis Tan
Parents of Tan Soon Khang Class of 2020
We were very concerned about Soon Khang’s academic progress during the pandemic & MCO as the lessons were mostly online. However, he received very good IGCSE results, and we think the effective coaching and the support from his loving teachers were the determining factors. Despite English not being his first language, he also managed to keep up with the academic level in class. We know Soon Khang is in good hands and we don’t have to worry too much about his studies. Once again, we would like to thank Ms Tan and all the amazing teachers at Heads Up for all the support and guidance given to Soon Khang!

Parent of Liz Birdie Ong Class of 2017
When we were looking for a school for my daughter who would be sitting for her IGCSE in the same year, we were attracted to Heads Up Academy (HUA)’s founder, Ms. Tan’s resourcefulness and commitment for excellence. We enrolled her and had the peace of mind knowing that she was in good hands. To my great delight, students at HUA were not only taught by a team of highly qualified teachers, they were constantly being exposed to various educational and motivational workshops that would certainly enrich them on a personal level. My daughter remembered fondly how much these activities had open up her mind. Though a somewhat shy person, my daughter thoroughly enjoyed her time at HUA. Day to day fun, interesting, and enlightening conversation with friends and teachers remain a wonderful memory that she cherishes. I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost appreciation to Ms Tan and all teachers who had been such a great help to my daughter during her time with HUA. Way to go HUA.

Mehrunnisa Bibi
Parent of Zalaan Ishaq Class of 2018
Heads Up International has contributed much to my son Zalaan's development, both in terms of education and social skills. When his exams were around the corner, I was a little nervous as I used to watch him spend most of the time in the corner of his room studying, but his kind teachers made the journey easier because they were supportive and ensured the well-being of their students. The students also had regular sports sessions and other co-curricular activities which ensured that my son had the best of both academic and non-academic education. Another thing I found a little surprising was the friends my son had made at Heads Up. I was very encouraged when he, along with his two good friends, Teng Jin and Zher Xian, took the initiative to have regular group studies, sometimes meeting in one of their houses or even having discussions on Skype when they faced any difficulties with certain past year papers. Indeed, they had become like a family, helping one another along the way. To this day, they still remain in contact. Last but not least, I would like to thank Ms. Tan from the bottom of my heart because of the opportunities she gave to my son and all the other students. She has the heart to provide the best education to children and I hope that she will continue to inspire others through her noble work and never give up.

Sze Hui
Parent of Ooi Zher Xian Class of 2018
Coming from a reputable international school prior to discovering Heads Up, Zher Xian was having difficulties coping during the first six months of Year 10 as his school teachers were unable to deliver the subjects well. His interest and confidence plummeted to an all-time low. In our desperate attempt to help him, we jumped on the private tutoring bandwagon along with most of his classmates, piling more work on him. Finally, upon recommendation from a friend, my husband and I took a leap of faith and enrolled him at Heads-Up. After just a month, he blossomed and regained his confidence and interest far beyond my expectation. Ms Tan requested that I stop most of his tuition classes as she was confident that along with Zher Xian’s effort, he would be able to ace the IGCSE exams under the guidance of her team. Heads Up teachers are very experienced, dedicated, inspirational and passionate about their work. Ms Tan and her teachers are involved at every level with the students’ welfare and development. As a founder and owner of an education establishment myself, I truly recognise that such educators are hard to come by and I am immensely grateful to this wonderful team. Year 11 in Heads Up was a turning point for Zher Xian as we witnessed his determination to excel academically soared with the encouragement from his teachers. His excellent IGCSE results (9A* and 1A) are a living proof of what this amazing team can do to its students! My husband and I would not hesitate to recommend Heads-Up to other parents.

Selva Kumar
Parent of Shalina May Kumar Class of 2018
For every parent, their children's education is paramount, and only second to their overall health and happiness. In a maze of education options out there, making the right decision can be very difficult, as is evidenced by the number of times students change schools or teaching centres.
My daughter Shalina was home-schooled prior to joining Heads-Up. For us, we wanted her to have more than just an education. A good atmosphere with friends and caring, diligent teachers was crucial. Of course, she had to play her part too.
It is hard to assess that when you just walk into a centre. However, for Shalina, her sister, Shanita, my wife, Anita and I, our first impression was that Heads Up seemed like just the right place for her to thrive. Happy children were everywhere. It was obvious to us that Ms Tan really loves what she does and that she was devoted to the pupils in her care.
We were soon enough more than convinced we had made the right decision by enrolling Shalina at Heads Up. She came back every day raving about her teachers, and that her teachers and new friends were such wonderful people. We could not even ask her to skip a day of classes if we had to go away somewhere!
"Mr Peter makes Accounting so easy to understand!", "Dr Jonathan is so smart and cool!", "I really love Ms Tan!", "Ms Jaya is so encouraging!", "Math is not at all complicated when Mr Edmund teaches it!", "I never realized Chemistry could be so much fun. All because of Ms Chin!", "I love Biology now because of Ms Khor!", "I think I could be really good at Add Maths because Ms Mikki explains it so well!" And of course, there is the ever-reliable Ms Cheryl! The teachers and staff became household names because of these conversations daily over family dinners.
The friendships forged is also something Shalina deeply cherishes. The cheery atmosphere and the numerous activities organised by the centre were central to forming and developing these relationships.
For us as parents, all of the above and more, were deeply gratifying. Shalina had blossomed and matured so much during her time at Heads-Up. She had become a confident young girl. The teachers and staff had entrusted her with responsibilities and nurtured her talents and capabilities. She had shown leadership qualities when required. All of the above have been a solid foundation for her going forward with her education and her life.
We are extremely grateful to everyone at Heads-Up. You continue to guide and care for your students even after they have graduated from your fine school, and Shalina's transition to her current phase has been seamless.
Thank you, once again, from the bottom of our hearts to all of you and all the very best!

Julie Teoh
Parent of Megan Teoh Class of 2018
Megan was homeschooled and determined to finish her IGCSE at the age of 16. While no other learning centres were willing to take her in at 15 years old, we were recommended to speak to Ms. Tan, the principle of Heads Up. She was full of passion for education as well as inspiring. She saw Megan as an individual and understood her stand to get her high school certification as early as possible. Her positive approach to learning and her absolute love for teaching/education can be felt.
All the teachers who had taught Megan are very experienced, who had always put their skills and passion for teaching to good use for the benefit of the students. Each one of them has their own “priceless teaching strategies” for students to benefit from. They gave their best to the Class of 2018 until the very last day of the exam.
I am very grateful for the wealth of information, ideas and helpful tips that the teachers gave to Megan as well as providing her with a stimulating and challenging platform.
I really appreciate all the help and assistance rendered by your team. It certainly helps to put my mind at ease as I was not able when it came to helping Megan for her high school education.
To everyone at Heads Up, teachers and friends who had reached out or taught Megan, with genuine care and concern – to have her achieve her goals and made a difference in her life, I am forever thankful.

Bei Lei
Parent of Christine Chong Class of 2017
When Christine completed her Form 3 at a government school I struggled with the decision to remove her from the government school system to join the IGCSE programme at Heads Up Academy.
While the government school system has excellent Form 4 and Form 5 curriculum, Christine was torn between the Arts and Science stream. The IGCSE programme would provide her with a more flexible option in terms of subject combination. With some help and advice from Ms.Tan I decided the IGCSE programme was more suited to her educational needs.
Her two-year journey at Heads Up Academy had been eventful. I am extremely grateful to the teachers who taught and guided her. They ensure the syllabus are fully covered and sufficient past year examination papers attempted and discussed prior to the final exam. Her excellent IGCSE performance can be attributed to her teachers' dedication and commitment. She obtained 8A* and 1A which entitles her to a full scholarship at Methodist College, Kuala Lumpur.
HUA also presented her with many leadership opportunities which honed her leadership skills and helped her emerge into a more confident person.
A big thank you to Ms Tan and all the Y10 and Y11 teachers.
Keep up the good work!

Pei Ling
Parent of Serena Wong Class of 2017
HUA is what we as parents would consider as a second-home for our children. The close knit environment allowed my daughter to flourish and grow to be the caring, independent and astute lady she is today. The academic curriculum was tailored to help students to not only excel in their IGCSE exams, but also taught them that results require hard work
During our daughter’s time at HUA, we as parents cannot deny the effort and time, she invested nor can we ignore how attentive and tender her teachers were. Her skills in interpersonal relationships with both peers and teachers, as well as communication, have developed immensely. Moreover, HUA provided her the special academic skill sets required for a smooth transition from High School to the A-Levels Pre-University programme.